Saturday, December 16, 2006

An unrelated tale of woe...

Yesterday, I got together with two of my former college roommates at one of their houses because, let's face it, nobody wants to go to work on a Friday. Two of us already own Wiis and I am confident that the other one isn't far from purchasing one himself and we thought that it would be nice to meet up and relive our glory days by playing some WiiSports.

After a few hours of revelry, the entire family included, we decided to see just how hard it is to be good at Wii Tennis and see if my friend's cat wanted in on the action. He quickly wrangled the cat and gently placed the loop of the Wiimote wrist strap around the cat's neck. Now before you go all crazy, calling us criminally negligent, and contacting PETA, know this. This cat desperately wanted to play tennis. I promise you.

Anyway, with the strap around its neck (not cinched at all) my friend began to lower the cat back to the ground. We could only surmise that the cat's wild flailing was merely a display of intense eagerness to show us all how the game was meant to be played. In any event, the cat hit the ground running and ended up catching my Wiimote on one side of a chair leg and proceeded to exit the room rapidly by way of the other side of the leg, ripping the strap from the controller.

I am happy to report that the cat survived unscathed and we are all a little bit wiser for having witnessed the affair. I still maintain pets are keen on taking their turn on the Wii (For instance, I am confident that my pet goldfish, Reginald, could bowl a 300 given the opportunity), but let's play it safe people.

(No animals were physically injured, emotionally maybe, in bringing your this tale of Wii gaming woe.)


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